Team Rhythmicals Official

[Information] New Option: Optimized Note Acceleration

2023-06-17 14:56

New Option: Optimized Note Acceleration
  • Supports reading the beats much more easier!
  • Check out the [Assistants] Tab in [Settings] Menu to activate.
  • The option will be provided as a Beta from v2.51.
※ Following System Changes Regarding Options
  • Changes in Grouping Options
    • [General]: The options from [Sound] is supported here.
      • Note Speed
      • Calibrate
      • Note Skin & Background
      • Tap Sound
    • [Detailed]: Some options will move to [Assistants].
      • Combo Position
      • Accuracy Position (NEW)
      • Lane Angle
      • Hit-Line Position
    • [Assistants]: A new tab with assistant options.
      • Show FAST / SLOW
      • Show Multi-Notes Indicator
      • Optimized Note Acceleration (NEW)
      • Double-click to Pause (NEW)
    • [Graphics]: No changes.
      • High FPS Mode
      • Anti-aliasing
      • Low-spec Graphics
      • Screen Resolution
    • [Others]: No changes.
      • Language
      • Music Titles in English
      • SNS, Inquiries, Credits
      • User Information & Account Management
    • [Sounds]: The tab will be removed as the options move to [General].
  • Changes in Preset Coverage
    • The preset will only cover the options in [General], [Detailed] and [Assistants].
    • When saving or loading the preset, you may check how the settings will be applied.
  • Changes in Activating Hard Mode
    • The Hard Mode option will be removed from the Settings Menu.
    • Instead, you may activate it by long-pressing the blue circle behind the Cover Art in the Music Selection.
  • Changes in Pause Button
    • The pause button will work with a single click.
    • You may activate the formal style with [Double-click to Pause] in [Assistants] Tab in Settings Menu.